yes!! what A.J told me is true... more than true...

stubborn/ degil, all i can say about me...

and i did it again despite many warnings...

we are totally two different world...

i not him and he not me...

will not in the talking terms...

hopefully not that long...


Ramadhan will be here in a few days time... Am i ready to take up the challenge... insyaallah...

nothing i can do to change me... its me after all...

im feeling down but i just dont think im telling the whole story... bits by bits...

but i really want to say this to my friends... all of u!! yes!!

Dear friends,
here i am wan to say thanks alot for being part of my life...
part, parcel and pieces...
you will be always in me...

sempena nyer menjelang bulan ramadhan, saya ingat meminta maaf dari hujung kaki ke hujug rambut.
kasar bahasa, tersalah silap langkah, harap dapat di maafkan...
saya sayang kamu...dan kamu akan sentiasa berada disisi ku...
aku ingin meminta izin mengundur diri buat seketika...
takkan ku lupa mu dalam doaku...
hanya DIA lebih mengetahu...

sering kali kita lupa dan alpa... dunia ini hanya satu persinggahan... ini semua hanya sementara...

aku akan sentiasa berada di sini... jangan lupa diriku dalam doamu...

*i really wish if i could show what i feel right now*

now i should take my leave...see you around...


Saturday, August 7, 2010, 1:43 AM | comment | 0 comments

It is better to be hated for who you are than to be loved for what you are not..
Knowledge of what is possible is the beginning of happiness.
only nicknames is use in this post...

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